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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Discusiones publishes papers that are the result of the original work of the author. In order to be considered for publication, every article or proposal must be submitted through registration on our site. However, as a preliminary submission they can be sent to the following e-mail:

Antiplagiarism policy: before the peer-review process, all submitted texts will be scanned. If the level of plagiarism is unacceptable, the text will be sent back to its author. 

Section Main Discussion: The content of this section will result either from a decision of the Editor-in-chief or the Scientific Committee or from an external proposal. Proposals for this section must be sent together with the main text, proposed as the basis of the discussion, and the names and institutional affiliation of the guest editor and the discussants. The Editor-in-chief, following the opinion of the Scientific Committee, will evaluate the proposal and in case of acceptance, the main paper will be submitted to a double-blind peer-review process by two external referees. In case of disagreement, the paper will be submitted to a third peer review. If the result of the review is positive, then the guest editor should coordinate the discussion, collect the commentaries by the proposed participants, and the final response by the main author; and write the introduction. The commentaries and the response will be openly evaluated either by the guest editor or the Editor-in-chief. All texts proposed for this section should not exceed 10,000 words (footnotes and references included) and they should abide by the writing and citation instructions.

Section Other Discussions: Participation in this section will result either from an invitation by the Editor-in-chief or by participating, according to its terms and conditions, in the recurring calls for papers. Proposals must be sent attaching the following files: (1) a Word file with only the identifying information of the author (name and surname, position, institutional affiliation, city, country, and e-mail); (2) a Word file with the proposed text prepared for a blind review; (3) a Word or Pdf file with the commented judicial ruling, if that is the case. Both in case of invitation or participation in a call for papers, the paper will be submitted to a double-blind peer-review process by two external referees. In case of disagreement, the paper will be submitted to a third peer review. Texts for this section should not exceed 10,000 words (footnotes and references included) and they should abide by the writing and citation instructions.

In all cases, the Editor-in-chief and the Editorial Secretary will check that the external referee is not affiliated with the same institution as the author.


All texts should be written in Spanish in 1,5 spacing, 12 Times New Roman font. The first paragraph of each section has no indentation and from the second paragraph on the indentation must be 0.5 cm in the first line.

The main title, in Spanish, must be in bold, in 1,5 spacing, 14 Times New Roman font, and aligned to the right. One space below, the main title, in English, must be in italics, in 1,5 spacing, 14 Times New Roman font and aligned to the right.

One space after the main title, the author/s must indicate their name and surname in 12 Times New Roman font and aligned to the right, followed by an asterisk footnote where maximum academic degree, position, institutional affiliation, city, country, and e-mail will be indicated.,

Two spaces below will appear a 150 words abstract, in Spanish and English, and the indication, in each language, of at least three keywords. They should be in 10 Times New Roman font, single spacing, and with an indentation, in the left and right sides, of 1 cm in every line. The Spanish version will appear in the first place, and the English version will appear one space below. The titles "Resumen", "Palabras clave", "Abstract", and "Keywords"should be in bold. Keywords should be separated by a semicolon.

The title of the first section will be two spaces below. Titles and subtitles will be in bold 14 Times New Roman font. Titles and subtitles will be numbered in Arabic: E.g.: 1. Feminist theory; 1.1. Women first, etc.

Between the title or subtitle and the first line of the first paragraph there should be one space.

Quotations, no longer than three lines, should be referenced between double quotation marks. If the quotation includes a quotation, single quotation marks should be used.

Longer quotations should be referenced in a detached paragraph, without quotation marks, with an indentation on the left of 1 cm and with no identation in the first line, they should be written  in 11 Times New Roman font, single spacing.

For footnotes follow the American Psychological Association (APA - 6th edition) style. They must be numbered consecutively and must be written in font Times New Roman 10, simple spacing.

At the end of the paper, a list with all the bibliography quoted should be added under the title “Bibliografía”. It must be in accordance with the American Psychological Associaton (APA - 6th edition) style.

Inclusive language

Our journal approves and suggests the use of language that is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudiced, stereotyped or discriminatory views of particular people or groups

Main Section

The Main section of each number of Discusiones is constituted by a main paper written upon invitation, followed by critical works and a reply by the author of the main paper.
The content of this section will result either from a decision of the Editorial Staff or the Advisory Board or from an external proposal. Proposals for this section must be sent together with the main text, proposed as the basis of the discussion, and the names and institutional affiliation of the guest editor and the discussants. The Editorial Staff, following the opinion of the Advisory Board, will evaluate the proposal and in case of acceptance, the main paper will be submitted to a double-blind peer review process by two referees. If the result of the review is positive, then the guest editor should coordinate the discussion, collect both the commentaries by the proposed participants and the final response by the main author, and write the introduction. All texts proposed for this section should not exceed 10.000 words and they should abide by the writing and citation instructions.

Further Discussions

This section receives works dedicated to the critical analysis of decisions from important Courts or Tribunals and of critical issues regarding the institutional design of the judiciary; works aimed at taking stock of previous debates hosted by the journal or that have taken place in other publications, trying to project them to the future; works dedicated to discussing the main idea of a classical or recent book or set of papers; and any other kind of research paper on the journal’s subject matters.

Participation in this section will result either from invitation by the Editor-in-chief or the Associate Editors of the section or from an external proposal. Proposals must be submitted trough the Journal’s site and they must include the following files: (1) a word file with only the identifying information of the author (name and surname, position, institutional affiliation, city, country and e-mail); (2) a word file with the proposed text prepared for a blind review; (3) a word or pdf file with the commented judicial ruling, if that is the case. Both in case of invitation or external proposal the paper will be submitted to a double-blind peer review process by two referees. The text should not exceed 10.000 words and it should abide by the writing and citation instructions.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.