Stereotypes, Gender and Law.
Notes to introduce a debate
Stereotypes, Gender, Law, Discrimination, IntersectionalityAbstract
These brief remarks introduce the debate on the essay The Role of Stereotypes in the Forms of Complex Inequality: Some Notes from the Feminist Theory of Anti-Discrimination Law, by Ghidoni and Morondo. In particular, after pointing out the most interesting and original contributions of the authors’ proposal, some open questions will be indicated, based on the observations by the commentators Peroni and Ronconi, although not limited to them. However, preliminarily, some brief considerations will be offered, on the one hand, on the complex relation between law and stereotypes and, on the other hand, on the possible specific contributions of the gender perspective in the analysis of that relation.
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- 2024-08-31 (2)
- 2022-07-04 (1)
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