Histories and Futures for Rethinking Subjects of Rights and Others
Subjectos of rights, Natural Resources Law, Enviromental Law, Rights of Nature, Private LawAbstract
This paper discusses the comments received from two colleagues who agreed to reflect on the article in which I put forward some ideas on new subjects and new others in contemporary law. On the one hand, Leandro Drivet who in his article entitled “ Dismantle the abyss between Subject and Nature. On the denaturing misdirection of subjectivity” reviews the assumptions underlying the concept of the subject that informs modern law. On the other hand, the article by Natália de Souza Lisbôa entitled “Keep dreaming while seeing the obvious: others and new subjects and people from the Latin American perspective” focuses on the need to create and expand possible futures through the recognition of new and other subjects and persons from the prism of the so-called new Latin American constitutionalism.
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