The Editorial Team responsible for Discusiones assumes the commitment to respect and implement the following standards of good practices in academic publishing at all stages of the journal publication process, according to the role assumed in that process.

Editorial Team
- To act efficiently and fairly in the performance of their functions.
- To use scientific standards for the design of each of its issues, whether regular or special, ensuring that all invitations to participate and all articles are considered and accepted only by virtue of their academic merit, without undue influence, and without discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors. In this context, the Editorial team is also committed to promoting gender equality in each of the journal's activities.
- To adopt and to follow reasonable procedures in case of complaints, whether of an ethical or academic nature, related to the activity of the journal and/or the published content. Claims will be managed giving the possibility of participation and response to all the people involved. The documentation related to such claims will be preserved.

- To assume the formal representation of the Journal.
- To make reasonable and founded decisions, after consulting the Scientific Committee, regarding cases of suspicions of misconduct in research, conflicts of interest, or other ethical and/or academic issues that may arise during the publishing process.
- To control the content, format, and timing of the works to be published.
- To coordinate in an efficient and friendly way the work of guest editors, Associate editors, and the Editorial secretary.

Editorial Secretary
- To efficiently assist the Editor-in-chief, the Editorial Board, the Scientific Committee, and the Associate and guest editors in the fulfillment of the journal's objectives, maintaining high-quality standards and monitoring strict adherence to the international ethical standards in scientific publication.
- To collaborate with the control of the content to be published.

Associate Editors
- To procure quality contributions in time and form for the section under their responsibility, without their decisions being altered by undue influences.
- To efficiently manage the relationship between the journal and the authors who contribute to the section under their responsibility.
- To procure compliance with the Journal’s publishing norms.

Guest editors
- To guarantee the originality of the proposal made for the main section.
- To ensure that the authors involved in the main section deliver their contributions in a timely manner.
- To procure compliance with the Journal’s publishing norms.

External evaluators
- To review the manuscript in an objective and timely manner, in order to adequately contribute to the editorial process and to guarantee the quality of the published works.
- To maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the Editor-in-chief or by the author. And to not circulate the manuscript.
- To alert the Editor-in-chief if they notice substantial similarities between the content of the manuscript subject to review and any other content already published or of which they are aware.
- To notify the Editor-in-chief of any conflict of interest and, where appropriate, to decline to be a reviewer for that manuscript.

- To guarantee that the manuscript as presented is not under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere. If parts of the content of the submitted manuscript overlap with the content of another manuscript published or submitted to another journal, to acknowledge and to cite those sources.
- To guarantee that all content in the submitted manuscript is original and to acknowledge and to cite the content reproduced from other sources. To obtain permission to reproduce any content from other sources when necessary. If the manuscript is not original (for example, translation from English, etc.), to inform the Editor-in-chief when submitting it.
- To notify the Editor-in-chief of any possible conflict of interest that may arise during the publication process.
- To promptly notify the Editor-in-chief if they identify a significant error in its publication.

Scientific Committee
- To collaborate with the Editor-in-chief and the rest of the Editorial Team to define editorial policies.
- To propose the treatment of certain topics in any of the sections, on the basis of their academic relevance, social interest, or other criteria that is fair and balanced, without their recommendations being the product of undue influence.
- To notify the Editor-in-chief of any conflict of interest that prevents them from continuing to carry out their duties.

Discusiones undertakes not to publish texts that reflect all kinds of misconduct in research, including plagiarism. By virtue of this, it undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. For these purposes, it renders the email revistadiscusiones@gmail.com available to receive reports regarding all types of misconduct in research. In these cases, the reporting person must provide sufficient elements to make it possible to establish the existence of the misconduct. Once this requirement has been satisfied, an investigation will be initiated in which all the people involved will have the possibility of intervention. Confidentiality is also guaranteed throughout the process. The Editorial Team undertakes to carefully consider each of the allegations and to make an informed final decision. The final decision will depend on the severity of the misconduct. For those mild misconducts, an exchange between the parties involved may suffice, avoiding more complex processes. For serious cases, the Editorial Team will make a decision, after consulting the Scientific Committee, which may consist, without excluding others, of the following options:
- To publish an editorial detailing the misconduct.
- To inform, through formal communication, the head of the institution to which belongs the person who committed the misconduct.
- To formally withdraw a publication from the journal, informing the head of the institution to which belongs the author, the indexing services and the readers of Discusiones.
- To suspend, for a defined period, the admission of articles that come from who has been observed for violation of this code of conduct.