Tolerance and Egalitarian Liberalism
Tolerance, Egalitarian Liberalism, Disagreement, Moral dilemmas, RespectAbstract
In volume XVI of Discusiones, in 2015, René González del Vega, Graciela Vidiella, Julio Montero and Fernando Lizárraga discussed, due to an initial work by González de la Vega, about the place and relevance of tolerance within deontological, egalitarian, and democratic liberalism. In this text I evaluate this discussion and hold that Vidiella, Montero and Lizárraga offer conclusive reasons to state that tolerance has a central place within such a political and theoretical project –pace the arguments initially offered by González de la Vega. In addition, I offer further reasons to complement the importance of such a virtue and an assessment of how González de la Vega himself responds to his initial challenge. Finally, I outline how tolerance relates to respect for others even in contexts of personal interaction which are not strictly political.
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