Assessing information technology (it) value in the public sector. a study between argentina and brazil in the federal justice service
information technology , public sector , justice serviceAbstract
Based on task-technology fit theory and public value theory, this paper provides a model to assess the value of Information Technology (IT) in the public sector, from the perspective of internal users. The model was tested by analyzing the perception of a group of employees of the federal justice service in Argentina and Brazil. A mixed method approach was chosen, with two successive research stages (qualitative and quantitative) and primary sources of evidence (interviews, observation, key informants, card sorting and surveys).
The qualitative study provided the questionnaire to be applied in the quantitative stage of the research. The four propositions of the research model were re-written as hypotheses and were statistically confirmed, using partial least squares structural equations modelling (PLS-SEM). The research contributes to academia by proposing a model to evaluate IT value in public organizations and a specific area of application, such as the justice service. The effectiveness of two Court Records Management Systems was examined, thus showing how IT implementations in developing countries can be evaluated. The practical value of this research is based on clarifying how IT impacts on the performance of public employees and the quality of public service.
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