Analysis of the relevance of accounting information


  • Hugo Ricardo Arreghini Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional del Centro y Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires



vital corporate purpose, systematic economic information, non-economic social purpose, presumptive communication, inconsistent social appreciation


style="text-align: justify;">This paper describes a process of reflection on practices that seek to assign to Accounting tasks that compromise its informative function and analyzes the effects of intervening in areas outside its competence. The arguments are based on the reason that universally drives people in their vital actions of existence and growth, to organize themselves with such purpose of sustainability. They also show that Accounting fulfills the objective of being an explanatory instrument to guarantee the fulfillment of the company’s purpose because its own system allows reflecting the quantitative valuation of wealth, its evolution, and comparison. There is an explanation of the behavior that guarantees the proper fulfillment of this economic activity as well as a demonstration of the failure to assign to Accounting the ability to express a social non-economic purpose, to identify environmental damage that the company could cause and to formulate policies on the future of the companies.


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How to Cite

Arreghini, H. R. (2022). Analysis of the relevance of accounting information. Escritos Contables Y De Administración, 13(1), 4–24.



Reflection articles