Opening and integration: trajectories of the trade blocks of the Americas 1990-2021




Trade opening, commercial integration, MERCOSUR, NAFTA


The relationship between the opening of economies and integration has been a dominant topic of economic analysis and policy during the last quarter of a century. The article evaluated the trajectories of both phenomena and their relationship using a set of indicators that accounts for the main conceptual approaches. The study focused on trade information and global supply and demand of the MERCOSUR and NAFTA countries. We explored the determination relationships presented by the indicators to determine how the elements that facilitate or hinder the opening accelerate or stagnate the integration processes. A periodization and a description of the evidence were provided, and useful analytical conclusions were drawn for a prospective vision of integrations and policies in the new stage of global trade.


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How to Cite

Puchet Anyul, M. ., & Reig Lorenzi, N. (2025). Opening and integration: trajectories of the trade blocks of the Americas 1990-2021. Estudios económicos, 42(84), 5–38.




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