About the Journal

Discusiones is an Argentine journal that addresses problems of the Theory and Philosophy of Law, Ethics, Political, and Social philosophy, but also of the General Theory of Private Law, Criminal Law, and Constitutional Law. It is edited in Spanish by EdiUNS and by the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Bahía Blanca, Argentina. It publishes two issues per year, in June and December, in print and online versions.

In 2000 Pablo Navarro, Andrés Bouzat, and Luis Esandi started the journal publishing a single annual issue until 2012. From that year on, Hernán Bouvier took on the direction, turning the journal into two issues per year and adding the sections Cortes, Libros, and Balance. In 2019 Federico Arena joined as director. In 2023 the structure of the journal changed again, and it currently contains only two sections: Main Discussion and Other Discussions.

The first section, "Main Discussion", is devoted to the discussion of a central paper, followed by a series of critical comments and a reply by the author of the main paper. The second section, "Other Discussions", includes the following types of contributions: reviews that discuss the main idea of a classical or recent book or set of papers; papers aimed at taking stock of previous debates hosted by the journal or that have taken place in other publications; trying to project them to the future; critical analysis of decisions from important Courts or Tribunals and of critical issues regarding the institutional design of the judiciary; or any type of academic article that addresses topics of interest to the journal.

In order to be published by Discusiones a text must reflect original work. In order to publish in our journal it is not required to be part of the Universidad Nacional del Sur.

For more information about how to submit your work to each Section of the Journal visit the Author Guidelines

Open Access Policy

This is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

All the content published by our journal is under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
So that authors retain their authorship rights and other people are allowed to copy and distribute their work as long as they acknowledge authorship and the work is not used for commercial purposes.

Preservation Policy

The content of our Journal is included within the backup policy of the Central Library of the Universidad Nacional del Sur, which hosts the platform and manages the OJS installation. We have scheduled backups of both the database and the code and data files. Besides, Discusiones uses the preservation services or PKP Preservation Network.

Financing Policy

Discusiones charges no fee for publishing an article. The Universidad Nacional del Sur undertakes the full cost of editing and processing the articles.