A Look from the Point of View of Analytical Realism: Old Metaphysics, Ruling Platitudes and Suspicious Legal Positivism


  • Pierluigi Chiassoni Istituto Tarello per la Filosofia del diritto, Università degli Studi di Génova, Italia.




Philosophy of Law, Analytical Jurisprudence, Philosophical Methodology, Legal Positivism, Authority


The paper purports to provide a critical analysis of Scott Shapiro’s philosophy and meta-philosophy of law as set forth in his book Legalidad, from the standpoint of a realistic and analytical legal positivism. It articulates into four parts. The first part contains a critique of Shapiro’s “metaphysical” ambition of discovering “philosophical truths” concerning the “fundamental nature of law”. The second part sets out a critique of the role Shapiro ascribes to truisms in the working out of his legal theory. The third, two-pronged, part concerns Shapiro’s conception of a positivist theory of law. The fourth, and final, part provides a critical analysis of Shapiro’s solution to the “Possibility Puzzle”


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Author Biography

Pierluigi Chiassoni, Istituto Tarello per la Filosofia del diritto, Università degli Studi di Génova, Italia.

Profesor de Filosofía del derecho, Istituto Tarello per la Filosofia del diritto, Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Génova, Italia.



How to Cite

Chiassoni, P. (2019). A Look from the Point of View of Analytical Realism: Old Metaphysics, Ruling Platitudes and Suspicious Legal Positivism. Discusiones, 20(2 Especial), 267–303. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.dsc.2017.2588