Scientific, did you say?
Interpretation, Normativism, Realism, Legal ScienceAbstract
Starting from Hans Kelsen’s well-known distinction between authentic interpretation, which is an act of will, creating law, and scientific interpretation, which only aims at knowledge, Thomas Hochmann intends to challenge the realist theory of interpretation. According to this theory, which mainly concerns authentic interpretation, the only legally valid meaning of a text, is that which has been produced by an authentic inter- preter. Hochmann maintains that it is possible and even easy to discover the meaning of texts by means of scientific interpretation and that this scientific interpretation is none other than the search for literal meaning. This article aims to question the scientific character of this “scientific interpretation” by showing firstly that, despite the similarity of vocabulary, Hochmann departs from Kelsenian conceptions of science and scientific interpretation, then that his own conception is scientific neither by the way in which it determines its object, nor by its method, nor by its relationship to truth.
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