Vol. 13 No. 2 (2013): Willful Ignorance and Criminal Law

					View Vol. 13 No. 2 (2013): Willful Ignorance and Criminal Law

In this issue of Discusiones the reader will find five works of high argumentative and analytical density on the doctrine of willful ignorance. It is well known among legal scholars that the attribution of responsibility involves identifying the content of the intentions and determining their relevance to the law. The attribution of criminal responsibility rests heavily on the assumptions of the analytical theory of law and in this sense manifests a constant concern regarding the content of thoughts and intentions (especially from its promise not to punish thoughts according to the known principle cogigationem poenam nemo partitur). That is why the relationship between "knowledge" and criminal responsibility is particularly questioned through the analysis of willful ignorance as a focal point of some problems of the attribution of responsibility

Published: 2013-12-20