Vol. 12 No. 1 (2013): Community, Forgiveness and Justice

The words discussion, controversy, conversation, fit to a different extent in the exchange between Claudia Hilb and Diego Tatián published in this issue of Discussions. Hilb's text, How to Found a Community After Crime? Some reflections on the political nature of forgiveness and reconciliation, in light of the Juicio a las juntas in Argentina and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa", was read and discussed at the National University of Córdoba in November 2010. There began the exchange with Tatián, whose text, now published here as “Founding a Community After Crime? Remarks on a Text by Claudia Hilb”, was read and discussed at a round-table with Hilb, at the III Meeting of research groups in Political Theory, held in the city of Córdoba in October 2012. The exchange ends with the response by Hilb "Remarks on Diego Tatián's Remarks".